Do you often find yourself obeying the orders of your girlfriend? Does your girlfriend have the last say in every argument? Do you feel controlled all the time? If you’re nodding, this article is just for you. Sorry to break it out to you, but your girlfriend wears the pants in your relationship. With that comes a lot of shift in the roles you two play. While occasional domination in bed is what every man dreams of, dealing with a bossy girlfriend in day to day life is a nightmare for most. Here are 5 ways to deal with a dominating girlfriend.
Know When To Ignore Her

Dominating girls often treat their men as slaves. Do not fall in the trap. It is probably because of your constant availability that she is taking you for granted, and thus, bossing over you. Do not give her more importance than she deserves. Your relationship is not you; it is only a part of your life. Start ignoring her and maintaining a noticeable distance whenever you feel dominated. She will definitely observe the change.
Use Humour

If you tell her about her bossy attitude with tensed temples, it is only going to make matters worse. Lighten up and convey the same thought in a much more acceptable manner. Bring humour to your rescue. Whenever she pushes you over at a public gathering, make a sarcastic comment on it. She will understand that you do not appreciate anybody ruling you over without getting offended.
Make Her Feel Insecure

Never let her take you for granted. She knows she is important to you, which is why she is the way she is. What she doesn’t know is how special and exclusive you are. Spend lesser time with her for a while, flirt with other women. Let her know you’re the only ruler of yourself and there is nothing in the world that can hold you down, not her certainly. The moment she feels jealous or insecure about your presence in her life, she’ll step down from the throne.
Sometimes, Just Say It

There is nothing weaker than a man not being able to stand up for himself. If you cannot gather the guts to tell her to not dominate you, there is no reason why someone shouldn’t boss over you. Whenever you see the waters rising, man up and tell her you’re not her pet. Don’t be rude, just assertive. One firm talk should do the trick.
Talk To Her Friends

If she’s bossy, chances are she would be egoistic too and might not take the advice from you very well. Talk to her BFFs. They know how to convey it to her better, depending on her mood. Let them know what you’re going through and that you’re approaching them not because you’re afraid to say it yourself but because you don’t want to hurt your girlfriend.