Missouri– The Benedictine Sisters of Mary, Queen of the Apostles, have made a surprising discovery during the exhumation of their foundress Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster

Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster's remains were found to be incorrupt. Photo: Insider. Source: UGC

Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster’s remains were found to be incorrupt.

The body of Lancaster had been buried in the chapel grounds following her death in May 2019 but was being moved to the altar under the chapel.

According to CNN, when the coffin was unearthed, Lancaster’s body was allegedly “incorrupt,” per Catholic traditions.

Incorrupt is a term used by Catholics to refer to the preservation of the body from normal decay.

Her remains were reported to be intact even though the body had not been embalmed and was in a wooden coffin, according to the Catholic News Agency.

The discovery captured the attention of some members of the church, leading to a mass pilgrimage as people travel to see the rare occurrence.

The Catholic Church has a long-standing tradition of “incorruptible saints,” more than a hundred of whom have been beatified or canonised.

According to Catholic tradition, incorruptible saints give witness to the truth of the resurrection of the body and the life that is to come.