Martin Geebs
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Great Britain. Founder of Modern Kinesiotherapy (neurology and orthopaedics) – an alternative method of treating chronic diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Its main principle lies in better understanding of your own body and its potential instead of taking medicinal drugs or wearing corsets.
Working practice: more than 30 years

Keep in mind a simple truth: joint diseases are treatable even at older ages’

This doctor claims that he can cure osteoporosis which developed over 18 years in a couple of months. He said he can cure a very old woman suffering from the most severe case of arthritis in 78 days. And eliminate joint pains in just 4 days! Immediately after his live show on the ‘CRTV’ channel (‘how to keep your joints healthy at any age’), well-known doctor Martin Geebs gave us an interview.

Is it true that older people cannot avoid joint diseases and osteochondrosis?

Hello Susan. Actually joints, chondrosis and the entire skeletal system can be treated very well at any age. And this is not a miracle, but just pure science.

With know-how and self-discipline, the disease can be cured at home very fast – just like thousands of my patients.

And what is the secret?

Understanding the cause of the pain. There are 147 reasons for osteochondrosis and arthrosis in medical encyclopedias, but the consequence is one and the same – joints, vertebra and cartilage lose their elasticity, hence the pain. They are worn out because of poor blood circulation.

That’s the whole secret, we cure the joint by restoring its blood supply.

But isn’t it generally conceded that it is almost impossible to restore blood circulation after the age of 45?

Not true. I left a wheelchair behind after an injury and this was more serious than just turning 45.

Have you saved others like this too?

Yes, and more than once. But most of my patients are ordinary people over 40 who developed these diseases as they grew older. They come to me with similar problems: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, radiculitis, pinched nerve. These diseases exhaust you and don’t let you live normally.

People complain of pain, for some of them, it’s even hard to walk. They are just regular citizens, not sportsmen and not disabled. They cry ‘Why me? What have I done?’ I reply plainly ‘let’s stop whining and start restoring blood circulation’.

How do you restore blood circulation at this age?

Until recently I treated my patients with a complex movement program consisting of 96 exercises which involved trainers. This is an extremely effective method, but very long and hard.
It hurts, it is difficult, people don’t have time to hit the gym. I believed that there exists an easier and more modern method and I’ve found it.

Really – can you tell us more?

Sure. Our centre was the first in Britain to get certified access to a brand-new remedy for osteochondrosis and joint pain. I was amazed by the results of our tests – 4 567 of patients completely freed from their condition – 94%, while 5.6% felt significant improvement, and only 0.4% no change.

What product is it?

I’m talking about the unique treatment Flekosteel This balm ease back and joint pain in about 4 days, and cure even the most neglected cases in a couple of months.

More than USD 1.3 million was spent developing the formula, and almost USD 13 million dollars for distribution rights in Australia.

So Flekosteel can also be bought in Australia?

Yes. Developed in the UK, popular in the EU, and now available to the good people of Australia!

How do these miraculous capsules work?

There’s no miracle, only pure science. The product consist of powerful components which make weakened old cells function seven-times faster – so the cells gradually rejuvenate.

Using the balm will improve your blood flow. This is how this treatment goes. The main thing is stability.

Sounds impressive. And what about people with ordinary diseases?

You can cure your diseases at home within 1-2 months – no more time wasted at hospitals. Flekosteel has no freezing or anaesthetizing effects, it ‘relaunches’ the body at the cellular level. Removes the underlying cause of pains, and returns the joints to their healthy state. A patient gets rid of symptoms and solves the cause of the disease – weakened blood flow.

On the very first day, the balm triggers the functioning of the body regenerative systems. It also relieves pain syndrome, which you will feel at once. In 2-3 weeks the treatment will be finished, but you should repeat the course eventually to prevent relapse.

Does Flekosteel only help cure arthrosis and osteochondrosis?

As it acts at the cellular level to restore blood flow, it can cure any disease related to joints and spine: arthrosis and arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, radiculitis, herniated vertebra. Injuries, traumas, bruises, fractures, even calloses – the balm is highly effective.

Does it really eliminate all these diseases, not just relieve the pain?

The product alleviates pain (at early stages of treatment) and eventually eliminates the disease. For most of my patients, this balm is the easiest, most effective and available treatment.

Where can Flekosteel be bought?

We didn’t agree on terms with pharmacists because the balm is too effective – they would destroy the pharmacies’ repeat business model. They want long-term profits, not immediate cures.

So now we sell it only through the official website.
By selling directly we cut out the middlemen – making it much cheaper for consumers.

Shipping is by mail, COD, this is home treatment so a specialist’s observation isn’t necessary. However, you shouldn’t take my word for it. Try remedies produced by other manufacturers if you want to compare. But I’m sure that you won’t find anything even remotely similar to Flekosteel in terms of effectiveness.

Is there anything you would like to add for our readers?

Back and joint diseases are now even affecting younger people – early signs should be acted on fast. Be vigilant and take responsibility for your own health.

And remember that diseases triggered by joint and spine pains bring discomfort AND shorten lifespan by 10-15 years.

P.S.: The doctor is giving Flekosteel to the first 50 buyers at a discount price! Go to the official website and maybe you’ll get the luck!

interviewer Susan Morton
Photos from open sources

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