Joe Biden’s approval drops to 36% in new poll ratings



Joe Biden


US President, Joe Biden’s approval rating dropped to 36 per cent in a new poll with most American voters saying they want to see Republicans take control of Congress.

The new numbers – from a Quinnipiac University Poll on Thursday, November 18, indicate a level of frustration among voters with the party in power as the country prepares for next year’s midterm election.


Joe Biden

Only 36 per cent in the poll approved of the job President Biden is doing while 53 per cent disapproved. It’s the lowest job approval rating he’s received in a Quinnipiac University poll.


In the Quinnipiac poll, 46 per cent said they want to see Republicans win control of the House – compared to 38 per cent who want Democrats — and 46 per cent want the GOP in the charge of the Senate, compared to 40 per cent who favor Democrats.

Independent voters, who typically decide matters in elections, also want to see Republicans in charge of Congress: 41 per cent to 31 per cent  for the House and 44 per cent to 34 per cent for the Senate.

Additionally, a slight majority of Americans – 52 per cent – said the Democratic Party has moved to the left.

Historically, a new president’s party tends to do badly in the first midterm elections after they take office. Both Barack Obama and Donald Trump saw their respective parties lose control of the House of Representatives in their first midterms – 2010 and 2018.

In 2022, Republicans only need to win four House seats to take control of the lower chamber of Congress.



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