Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)




Emmanuella has built her mother a house.


The young comedienne took to Instagram to share photos of the house and also thank her mom for encouragement and support.


She wrote: ” I built this for u mom. For all the prayers, all the encouragements and support. Mummy I know you said u want a portable house and this is it. But forgive me because I must complete ur mansion for you next year. Don’t worry it won’t make us go to hell. my super Christmas mummy. I love you.”


See full photos below.


Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)

Kid comedienne, Emmanuella unveils the new house she built for her mum (photos)

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