SON to stop registration of products with similar names to popular products

The agency will stop the registration of products with similar business names to existing brands to eliminate substandard goods.

The Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) has disclosed the agency will stop the registration of products with similar business name to another product already popular in the market, in order to eliminate substandard goods.

This disclosure was made by the Director-General of SON, Malam Farouk Salim, while receiving the Alaba International Amalgamated Traders Association, during a visit to the SON office in Lagos.

According to a news report by NAN, Mallam Salim said that this decision is of utmost importance, as it would help to curb the production of products that clone the names of successful brands to deceive the unsuspecting consumers. He warned that these unscrupulous individuals would be prosecuted if found wanting.

The DG emphasized that SON on its own could not handle the issue of brand cloning, promising to put a stock of the products registered and certified by the standards body.

He explained that the agency is set to increase its level of engagement with stakeholders, especially the Alaba International Market traders, as this move would go a long way in protecting the interest of the business community, while also safeguarding lives and properties.

Earlier, the Executive Chairman of the association, Mr Fabian Ezeorjika, reaffirmed the association’s commitment to working with SON in a bid to find these unscrupulous individuals. He disclosed that there was an existing partnership with SON toward achieving a substandard-free market.

Ezeorjika explained that a ‘buyer beware campaign’ is ongoing in the market, and this is a Joint Task Force, comprising SON officials.

Mallam Salim, during the meeting, said, “Anytime a new product comes and looks similar to another product registered, and is already popular in the market, we will try to discourage registration of that product with such a name.

“This will ensure proper identification of already registered products. It will also increase traceability of products that are not fit to be in circulation. We are here to work with these brands and to make their jobs easy. We are to protect their interest, because they are Nigerians, employing people and they are doing what needs to be done.”

“We are looking forward to cooperating with them to ensure that every other individual in their association, not doing the right thing, is encouraged to do the right thing in the future.

“We are inviting stakeholders and the plan is to work together with them to sensitize and train them on the safety of lives and property. As for those still breaking the laws, we will enforce our law, either by court or through the appropriate regulatory, agency.”

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