The high cost of being right: Navigating relationships


In the intricate dance of life, as men we often find ourselves on the quest to be right. To win battles. And emerge victorious. Yet, little do we realise the hidden cost of this relentless pursuit—the erosion of valuable connections and the toll it takes on work, intimate, and parental relationships.In our fervor to be right, we often trample upon the delicate fabric of relationships.

At work, the pursuit of correctness may alienate colleagues and breed an environment of hostility.In intimate relationships, the insistence on being right can lead to communication breakdown and emotional distancing. Even in parental relationships, the need to assert one’s correctness may strain the bond between father and child.Consider this:The more one clings to being right, the more allies slip away.

Workplaces become battlegrounds, intimacy turns into a silent war, and the warmth of familial ties cools. The toll on mental and emotional well-being becomes palpable, as the victor is left standing amidst the ruins of fractured relationships.The true strength of a man lies in his capacity to navigate relationships with wisdom and humility. Imagine a workplace where collaboration thrives, intimate relationships are built on mutual understanding, and parental bonds are forged in love and acceptance.

Being right is not the ultimate goal. Empathize with the perspectives of others, fostering a collaborative environment at work and a harmonious atmosphere at home. Not every disagreement is a battle worth fighting. Prioritise relationships over the need to prove a point. Ask yourself, “Is being right in this situation worth the potential cost to my relationships?”Practice active listening Actively listening fosters understanding and nurtures healthy communication.

In the heart of the savannah, the wise elder, Mwalimu, once said, “A tree that stands alone may withstand the wind, but a forest, bound together, weathers the storm.” This wisdom reminds us that true strength lies in the interconnectedness of relationships.Men, let us heed this wisdom and reflect on our approach to being right. The real victories are not in winning battles, but preserving the alliances that make our journey richer and more meaningful.Reflective questions:o How often do I prioritize being right over nurturing relationships?

What battles am I currently engaged in that may be eroding valuable connections?o In what ways can I shift my focus from winning battles to cultivating lasting bonds?o How can the African philosophy of interconnectedness guide my approach to relationships?

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